Women Paying It Forward

Stories of women paying it forward to other women. The opportunity for women to be nice to one another.

  • Women Paying It Forward

    The Abstract Nude by Magdalena Martinez

    The pictorial work of Magdalena Martínez Mateos has been shown in congresses of the Mexican Federation of Esperanto around the world and since 2009 she has participated as Director of Cultural Promotion and Commercial Logistics in Pepinho Castillos de Arte México, a cultural platform where she organizes individual and collective pictorial exhibitions in the interior of the country. https://fb.watch/lD3DJeXSG0/. The exhibition “Springs of tremorimiento” by the painter Magdalena Martínez Mateos that is currently presented in the Acolhuac Room of Casa de Cultura Azcapotzalco. Contact with the Artist Magdalena Martínez: magdlnacruzmtz@gmail.com We met Magda on vacation in Mexico City. In the old town of Mexico City we walked through an art…